Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Fight the Winter Blues with Models Direct

Fighting off the Winter Blues

It's not unusual for people to get a bit down during the winter. The team at Models Direct had a quick brainstorm and came up with a few things that help them get through the wind and rain without getting overly down. 

Setting aside an evening, or even an hour, a week that you can pamper yourself in will really make a huge difference to your general state of mind. 

Take a bath with some nice oils, light some candles, dye your hair, paint your nails and luxuriate in making yourself look and feel as good as possible. No one feels their best if they spend every evening with their hair scraped back under a huge jumper on the couch. 
Models Direct
Models Direct
Give your house a bit of a revamp and make it a cosy place to spend time. Buy a few new cushions for the sofa, add some candles to your mantelpiece that you can light and create a cosy atmosphere. 

Change some of the pictures on your walls, or put up those pictures you forgot about over the summer. When the days are dark by 16:00 you really need to make your home somewhere you love spending time.

We hope you had an idea or two from this post, visit Models Direct to find out more about modelling and watch the video below!
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